This is my story
Funny how life is designed in such a way that, really, there are no coincidences.
I've been dancing since the age of 7 in Brazil Most of my training have been in Classical ballet, but I also danced modern and jazz. I feel very fortunate to be born in a country where music and dance is celebrated everywhere. And food is part of everything. A country that offers so much freshness and colors with an infinite possibilities of food. There is a genuine joy of expression that I find difficult to see in any other place.
I started my dance career with Studio de Danças and at my mother's own school of music and dance. Later on I continued with Ballet Stagium, Cisne Negro and Opera Paulista; all in Brazil.
Along with my career in dance, I also studied Psychology. Somehow, I aways new I'd be using it along the way.
About 30 or so, years ago, I called my first ballet teacher and mentor, Ruth Rosembaum, because I had been thinking about her for a couple of days and wanted to know how she was doing. Well, 48 hours later I had tickets to come to US with her for a conference in Michigan. A Vaganova Method conference with Jurguen Schineider and Janina Cunova, among other wonderful names of Classical ballet.
This was only the beginning of a long line of "coincidences". On the way back to Brazil, I met my long time partner on stage, Fred Garbo. We toured all around the world with his amazing show called Fred Garbo Inflatable Theater Company. I also danced/ taught and choreographed for Portland Ballet, ME, Ballet New England and various Ballet companies in US and Canada. Most recently, I worked at Joffrey Ballet in Chicago, mostly with Trainees and Studio Company.
Teaching for me means much more than steps and artistic expression, but finding the best of each dancer... their gifts as a human being thru dance. I'm also concern about the dancer not loosing their own voice in the world. Their own world should be as important as their dance world.
I had the fortune to be in a family that treasured fresh homemade meals; family time; accountability and 'togetherness'.
The dance world is a wonderful world, but it is not THE world. I grew up believing in hard work, choices have consequences (not all bad!!), trusting in myself and seeing the world as it is: A wonderful place full of possibilities for you to create, to become.
After seeing so many dancers shifting their focus... getting confused of what is the point of all of it.... and getting lost and disappointed with themselves, I decided to emphasize the mentorship on dance to health. To the whole individual's health. Dance, or any other career that you choose can only be great if you are healthy. Your body and mind comes first! I really enjoy fulfilling the dream of coaching and mentoring not only to dancers, but anyone pursuing a healthier and happier life!