Sometimes I think that I don’t know much and feel very insecure about teaching a specific class… I get there, I start … and there it is! Right inside my head coming out of my mouth… everything I need to teach the class. Just like that! Then there are other times when I know exactly what I’m doing, and its going very well… and then I see things that I need to learn coming from a student. Some times from a question, sometimes from just observing a dancer thru a combination. Just like that!
I realize that I know more then I think I do…. And that there is so much that I don’t know.
The more present I am when I’m teaching, the more I can teach. It’s more about how much the dancers are willing to give than about me with things to teach. Some times I feel it’s all about reorganizing what is put in front of me. When I’m present I can see so much!!! I see the body moving in space, muscles, control, abandon…. But I can also see the mental stress, the emotional burden, the glimpse of joy and satisfaction. And if I’m really present and lucky, I see the artist in the making.
And to think that I’m given the opportunity to be part of this miracle… makes me humble and so very happy.